A New Law of Resonant Induction - The First Law of Free Energy

In the previous page, we described a resonant transformer aimed at harvesting atmospheric electric energy. Analysis of the data revealed a new Law of Resonant Induction along with a new constant termed the Induction Constant (Ic), having a value of 37. When the apparent power of the secondary coil of the transformer is divided by a multiple of the apparent power of the primary coil and the Ic, a new Fibonacci pattern appears in which the measured values alternate around and converge to true Ø2. This indicates that resonance drives electrons into a Ø2 pattern, suggesting a parabolic contraction of the electron’s inner spiral focus leading to a rise of voltage. A new power equation for coupled resonant inductors is thereby introduced. The new induction constant connects resonant inductors in a mode of predictable rise of power.  The Law demonstrates the reality of free energy. This understanding will be valuable in developing our generator and also for the development of more efficient inductors.


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